It was lovely and sunny again today but by the afternoon the sunshine had faded away. Gavin worked from home today so he took Xena for a walk between meetings while I went to buy groceries for the weekend, before heading off to my physio appointment.
I asked the physio to rather work on my back today instead of my wrist, as it is still very sore after my trip to Skye when I was walking up and down mountains with my heavy camera backpack on my back. She immediately diagnosed a bulging disc which is a common ailment for those who suffer with lower back pain, and so she set about giving me exercises to help ease the bulge back in again, and showed me what I must not do. Then she taped up my back to help keep it straight, which I have found rather tricky to move easily with. I only have to keep it on for a couple of days but I may take it off by Sunday afternoon as I am playing golf with Gavin for the first time this year and the tape may restrict my movements. At least I now know which exercises to do when this happens again, especially as I am off to Dorset in just over a week's time and will be carrying a heavy backpack on my back again....although this time I will take a lighter bag and a lighter camera.
When I came home from the supermarket I drove around the neighbourhood looking for trees with blossoms on them to take some photos. Although the trees grow on the pavements outside someone's property I was half expecting someone to come charging out their house asking me what I was doing, as people are so twitchy about security around here, especially if you have a camera as they assume you are photographing their house so you can burgle it later! It has happened to me twice before so I talk from experience! The neighbourhood is a bit nervous at the moment as there are fairly aggressive travellers knocking on doors asking to clean driveways and when the owner of the property declines their services they are getting a little nasty - the police were called today. Yesterday one such traveller started cleaning a driveway despite the owner saying repeatedly they did not want the driveway cleaned, and then demanded £500. The woman paid up as she felt very nervous and threatened. I know some communities don't have problems with travellers but we always have problems, shoplifting in the village stores etc and the police are very quick to react because of that.
A lazy night at home tonight - mind you, the physio said lounging on the sofa is the worst thing for my back, I need to sit upright at all times :(
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