Big Hill

By bighill

A long haul!

Terry and I are still feeling quite weak and exhausted, it's been just over a week that we started what i thought was just a cold....but seems to in fact be some crazy flu !   Apparently there is a lot of it going around!   We are both just going from sofa, to chair.....trying to have a bit of a walk each day, indoors cos we have rather icy conditions out there!

We are both feeling pretty bored but don't have any energy for much of anything....this is the first time i have gone near my art supplies ..... feels like a pretty pathetic attempt, hahahahaha...but at least i have something to blip :)

Had a physio appointment yesterday and she gave me some exercises and gave me some hope that this 'flair up' will subside and it won't be this bad forever.

We did manage to have something interesting to eat, neither of us have eaten much - i've lost about 7lbs!!!  not the best way to loose weight but i'll take the win :)

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