Lttle Narrows Ferry
We were both going stir crazy having been cooped up for over a week! So we drove out to Whycogoma which is about 30 minutes away, and where the co-op is open on Sundays. We had a very exciting time doing the grocery shopping, just so happy to be out in the world :) then over the road to the Farmer's Daughter for some lunch.
We decided to come home the long way - which was really quite lovely....listening to the radio and some of the report on the new Liberal leader.....then onto the little ferry here. Such a lovely spot!
We both felt a bit refreshed, altho my knee didn't seem to like being in the car for that long!!!
So we have a new leader of the Liberal Party...Mark Carney. I'm not much of a political person, i don't spend a lot of time in that area. but it was very interesting to listen to all the speeches......quite inspiring really. I loved that both the out going Prime Minister and the Incoming one had their young daughters introduce them.....such poise and confidence they both showed.
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