
By Legacy

Something Different

We all know Blue Jays are beautiful birds, very personable, interesting, and recognizable, even in silhouette. Good thing, because I just don't have the right set up to do them justice. I'll leave the spectacular Blue Jay blips to ArtistAnnie. I thought this was kind of cute. Even without the gorgeous color, we know what bird this is. I had four of them outside my door this morning vying for peanuts with three crows and a couple of squirrels. There were also 10 or 15 pigeons flapping around, so it was a busy morning on the porch.

My landlady has asked me not to feed the pigrons anymore since they seem to congregate on the roof and leave a big mess. They are having a very difficult time understanding why I'm not scattering pigeon food around and I feel really bad. I couldn't bring myself to quit entirely, but even I have to admit I was getting overly enthusiastic about feeding them when they began meeting me when I got home after work.

I had a nifty and productive day at work today, but around 3:30 I started to run out of steam and my brain decided it was finished for the day. That's when I ran into a document titled "Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment Based Upon Res Judicata, Failure to Join, and Failure to Assert Fault of Nonparty and Memorandum of Law in Support of Cross Motion For Summary Judgment to Strike Affirmative Defenses". Sometimes I wonder about the law and if it could possibly get any more complicated. I spent the last hour of the day trying to figure out where that fit into the file I was preparing for the Judge. I'll have to revisit it in the morning when I'm fresh because I'm not certain I succeeded in the task at all. It's a good thing I love my job.

Hope everyone had a nice day too.

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