
By Ingleman

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No photography today.

So I am backblipping from another 'memorable' holiday.

This time it was Kefalonia, a paradise island in the Ionian group to the west of Greece. July 2007.

It was 42 degrees when our plane landed, there had been no rain for months and the whole place was a tinderbox.

Inevitably there were forest fires and at one point the entire horizon was ablaze. We were evacuated to safety for a while but gradually the brave emergency services got things under control and we returned to complete our holiday in one piece. It was an experience none of us wish to repeat, and amazingly no one died. ( I think one airman died in a crash but I might be mistaken)

It makes me shudder to think of the poor souls who have suffered in Australia and California. We only lost a few days of a holiday. Some of them have lost everything.

I can vouch for the terror, and the paralysing feeling of helplessness.

A holiday of a lifetime!!

One more in extra,  although I took many, many more pictures. Just for the album.

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