A day of phones
I had an appointment at Vodafone in Covent Garden to get a new SIM card and start my journey to self funding my tech. My gardening leave ends next week so I thought I’d better get on it.
I walked between Covent Garden and the FM office in Stephen St 4 times trying to get PAC codes activated. Very complicated and stressful! I wiped the iPad first and as I don’t care about what number that is it wasn’t too difficult. I decided to do the phone myself when I got home later. .
Beautiful sunny day and walking through Covent Garden was no great hardship with this lovely display of spring flowers. All very pretty.
I had my hair cut and then went home. Catching a train that got in around 6. V cooked supper and I wiped the phone and hoped for the best. It started up loading but slowly.
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