Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Ba Na Hills

A long day out at the Ba Na Hills, a kind of Vietnamese Disneyland built in the mountains near Danang and accessible by the Worlds Longest Cable Car – something which would have been more spectacular had everything not been shrouded in quite such thick fog! We joined in the bustle over the Golden Bridge, supported by two huge concrete hands, enjoyed the flower gardens and then carried on up to the French Village and Germanic ‘Beer Plaza’ – like a giant faux-European movieset, and quite mad. We ate at a very extensively stocked buffet place, went on some rides and had a generally dazed wander around, trying to take it all in, Our hyperactive tour guide added to the general merriment. Later on, we ate at yet another, much less busy, branch of Morning Glory, had a pleasant wander round the nighttime souvenir market ant then took a boat ride out into the bay to light a candle lantern and send our ‘wishes’ out onto the water – quite a moving little ceremony, as it turned out…

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