Garddio gyda than
Garddio gyda than ~ Gardening with fire
“Drop mind, intellect and consciousness, leave memory, thinking, and observing alone. Don't try to fabricate Buddha. Don't be concerned with how well or how poorly you think you are doing; just understand that time is as precious as if you were putting out a fire in your hair.”
― Keizan
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Es i allan am dro’r bore 'ma jyst i ddim ond cerdded. Ond pan roeddwn i'n cerdded penderfynais i ymweld â'r siop leol oherwydd ein bod ni angen saws soi. Mae'n ddefnyddiol i ddysgu Beth maen nhw'n gwerthu, oherwydd maen nhw yn y siop agosach. Maen nhw'n gyfleus, ond rydw i'n dymuno gwerthon nhw mwy o gynhyrchiad Cymru fel menyn neu gaws. Mae eu menyn yn dod o Iwerddon ac mae eu caws i’n dod o Loegr. Dydw I ddim yn deall pam. Serch hynny mae dal yn siop dda, yn enwedig mewn argyfyngau os byddwn yn rhedeg allan o fenyn, caws neu saws soi yn annisgwyl. Mae'n rhaid i ni werthfawrogi'r hyn sydd gennym.
Yn y prynhawn, aeth Nor'dzin a fi allan i'r ardd ar gyfer win sesiwn cyntaf o arddio'r flwyddyn. Tra roedd hi ddechrau yn clirio rhan o'r gwelyau blodau, roeddwn i'n cael gwared â malurion gardd sych gyda than fach. Mae'n dda i ddechrau gweithio ar yr ardd. Efallai y bydd angen i ni wneud rhywbeth bob dydd.
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I went out for a walk this morning just to walk. But when I was walking I decided to visit the local shop because we needed soy sauce. It is useful to learn What they sell, because they are in the store closer. They are convenient, but I wish they sold more Welsh produce like butter or cheese. Their butter comes from Ireland and their cheese comes from England. I don't understand why. Nevertheless it is still a good shop, especially in emergencies if we unexpectedly run out of butter, cheese or soy sauce. We have to appreciate what we have.
In the afternoon, Nor'dzin and I went out to the garden for the first session of gardening of the year. While she started clearing part of the flower beds, I was removing dry garden debris with a small fire. It is good to start working on the garden. We may need to do something every day.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Fflamau o losgwr yn yr ardd.
Description (English) : Flames from a burner in the garden.
འགྲེལ་བཤད།(བོད་ཡིག) : མེ (mè) Fire
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