Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Allermuir Hill

A cloudy and slightly mild day. Quiet morning at work, so got quite a bit done. Morning walk on my own as partner out to lino printing/cutting course. Forecast wasn't looking good, heavy rain. But in reality there were only a few spits and spots, enabling me to get the blip photo of Allermuir Hill. I get home just as partner is finishing her lunch. I make mine while she goes out.

After work, a wee walk followed by a bus journey to meet partner for Friday afternoon coffee and cake. It has brightened up quite a bit, so a shame I have to get the bus down in to town. Much better than the dismal light rain forecast on the weather website. Met partner and we go to a new, to us, café with a book theme. I go for the slight healthy option, an apple tart. After, we are quite close to several charity shops, so we walk down the road just for a browse before heading home on the bus. Dark clouds are moving in, and the rain eventually arrives during the evening.

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