A sunny day, but very breezy. Partner out in the morning for a coffee morning, so morning walk is on my own. A nice clear view of Edinburgh Castle, but not much across the water to Fife. In the park, sheltered from the wind and in the sunshine, the crocuses, Extra 1 shows one plant, are in full bloom.
After work, a walk up to the Braid Hills in the sunshine. Very difficult to stay standing up. In fact the wind is even up to showing off, blowing the occasional cloud ring, Extra 2. Views were very restricted, and looking west, it was very murky indeed. I can see most of Aberlady Bay, but the Forth Bridges were just feint outlines with the occasional flash from the warning lights. Blip of Craighouse was taken on the way back, when I was sheltered from the wind. It also shows just how hazy views west are.
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