
By BoydMcAdam

Party time

Up and out early to a soft play centre where our grandson met up with several friends for nearly a couple of hours. Grandpa joined in the climbing and sliding. The crawling along the large plastic tube was more of a challenge and my hips moved into positions they have not been in for years. Being in shorts was perhaps a less good idea! But great fun and the place did an excel net bacon and sausage roll to sustain me.

There was a ball area with basketball hoops. The main picture is of the wallpaper in that area which brightened everything up. There were primary colours everywhere and the slides themselves were bright! (See extra).

A snooze (for him), lunch, then on a gorgeous day (18+ oC and light wind) off to a park with lots of things to do. More slides and ice cream for him and me). We were joined by grandad and grandma who are visiting for the weekend and we had a lovely afternoon together followed by fish suppers.

Very much a holiday feel to the place enhanced by the promenade lights at night.

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