michigan man

By outdoorguy

Kate Can't Wait

Off of the pole flew an egret named Kate, 
she isn't a Snowy, she is a Great.
She sped off the pole 'cuz she was late,
she had a date with her mate named Nate.

We went garage saling today without too many get-outs. We did a lot of drive-bys...eyeing the goods from the car. How can you say you are having a garage sale when you have 2 TV trays filled with stuff? C'MON PEOPLE!

Since we were having leftover fish for dinner, I snuck out to the shore at about 4 p.m. Lots of good models.

After dinner, we had friends Keith and Jan up for euchre and strawberry shortcake. The boys beat the girls 2 games to 1, and the dessert was delicious.

What is my favorite part of the picture? 

I could have picked a lot of things,
but for me it is the shadows on wings.

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