Fungi family

Thank you everyone for casting your vote for me in the competition. Currently, I have a lead of about 145 votes and the voting is open for another six days, so I shall have to work hard to canvass more.

If you would like to view my entry and hopefully give it a vote if you haven't already done so, just click on this yellow link. It will take you to my entry and if you can vote for it, click on "Love Me"


I am driving to Surrey this afternoon to stay overnight with my sister and also see a consultant about my memory loss since the stroke I had in January. I am also having wicked headaches which I attempt to ignore. I doubt anything can be done, but at least if I research it along with the possible diagnoses and causes, I will feel a lot happier.

So, a quick blip in the grass today and I discovered how to make an object stand out using lightroom!!! Another first along with the funus.

It looks like its been decapitated, but I'm convinced this is the full form. Any suggestions?

Enjoy your day everyone.

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