Waxing moon ending a sad day
A late blip as I’ve been too preoccupied to do much but thank you for all the sympathy for poor Gruff.
On Saturday morning Gruff was in a very bad way. He’d continued vomiting throughout the night, and unsurprisingly not eating. When I awoke he wasn’t in his usual place at the foot of our bed and I eventually found that he’d taken himself outside to sleep, something he’s never done before, and was very withdrawn. I took him to the emergency vets and they’ve kept him in on a nasogastric tube, iv fluids, pain relief and anti-sickness medication. From phone conversations with the vets, things are not looking good.
We will go in later this morning (Sunday) to see him and discuss what is best for him.
Please forgive me if I do not visit and comment on your journals over the next few days but the prospect of losing Gruff so soon after losing Llew is very upsetting.
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