
By Houseonahill6

Oh deer what can the matter be ?

I was busy trying to get a shot of the baby Goldfinches or the wren that were busy at the feeders and complaining to myself about the poor light, it was early and raining, when I spotted some movement just over the fence. AHHH, a deer ,QUICK!!! Do you ever get that when your hands do nt work as fast as your brain ? I managed to get a few shots but she spotted me and was off. To my surprise and delight a tiny fawn followed see here


Just got soaked but managed a few photos of the fawn. Not the best of pics but it's tipping it down out there and had to focus through the leaves of the cherry tree and not move too much.

Roe Deer are fascinating mammals. They are native to Britain although they became absent from England by 1800 due to over hunting and forest clearance. They are now widespread thanks to reintroduction by the Victorians and the replanting of trees.
Roe deer are browsers feeding on Brambles, herbs, ivy, heather and tree shoots.
Mating season takes place in mid July/August but the really clever thing is that they are able to delay implantation for 4 months so growth does nt start until January with birth taking place in May or June avoiding the harsh winter months.
You are most liking to see them at dusk or dawn as although they are active throughout the day as well they tend to remain in cover. Several hours of the day are spent laying down while they 'ruminate' between meals. Mmm lovely :)

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