HURRAH! for fifty+ years in our family, but probably 60+ years in all, Tortie has woken up from her winter sleep late Feb/early March, but I have never known her tuck in to her fav snack so enthusiastically within a couple of hours of doing so! With the warm weather I've been checking daily for the last week - there's always a worry until she is up and about.... Anyway, she had a lovely first day sunbathing on the warm paving next to the equally warm bricks of the house, ate her fill, and then at 15.15, took herself to bed walking straight in to her hibernation box that I left by the garage door for the purpose (extra). Bless.
It was another wonderfully warm sunny day. Even put washing on the garden line to dry. Goodness, England, you amaze me. How long will this last? Rufus enjoyed his usual run around in the park. Back home for an afternoon of Six Nations - thank you Wales for finally getting it together in the last fifteen minutes - that was really rather exciting. Bro called for a cuppa and then Maddy arrived, as arranged, not long after 8pm for my help on her last module uni assignment. I've usually found with academic writing that it's the starting that's the hardest part, but, by the time she left some three hours later, we had talked it though and she had settled on the topic, structure, and salient points for discussion and is ready to read and write. When she has done so I'll proof read - but the content is, of course, entirely hers. Meanwhile, her main research project that we talked about last week, is on hold as this latest assessment has a due date rather too soon for my liking as a teacher - but hey ho, procrastination is a talent that runs in this family ...
After all that thinking, I needed to wind down for a couple of hours, for which I found sth on iPlayer called "Point Zero" that sufficed sufficiently for it to suddenly be gone 2am.....
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