
By MerrilHope

"Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest." - Marie Kondo

Beautiful glorious sunshine continues. Rufus had a particularly wonderful hour or more playing in the park, made a new friend with a little black dog. 

Generally a quiet but contented day.  Had a second company quote for installing a drop down loft ladder and decided to give the go-ahead with them. I have never been able to get up into the attic of this house, that's bro's job to get the decs down and put them back annually, but he's starting to struggle now with lifting himself in through the awkwardly positioned loft hatch.  I know there are family mementos all boxed up including things Dad will have stored there, and with this new ladder I'll be able to see for myself, have a sort out, get rid of some and probably add a bit more!  

Bro came after work and by 19.00 we were both in The Wellington pub in Hatfield Several for Friday fish 'n' chips and a pint.  Therefore, my third day in a row of not engaging in the online Sketch Week tutorial - which, being the fifth consecutive day is also the last. I have a lot of catching up to do this weekend!  Tutorials will be available on line until 14th so should be ok.

The daffs are in my garden, making this the first garden blip for 2025 :)

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