Capital adventures

By marchmont

Birthday Girl

The main event today was Amelia's 8th birthday. An odd kind F day. There was a pool party that straddled lunch but only 3 kids came, one of her school friends and his brother, sister, the mother and the maid. GG and PP.came for a short while (Def not his thing is) and friend of the family J also dropped in. Her birthday is tomorrow. There was loads of food and ice cream cake. I spent quite a lot of time in the pool with #2 sun and then went too there jacuzzi with Olivia.

Last night's storm had wreaked a lot of damage. A large frangipani is down and l off ads of branches and leaves a no D in the Spa Garden 2 big plants in the koi pool have be een uprooted. Next door the Bomba were out in force last night dealing with a fallen tree, apparently hit by a window that blew out of GK. 

Had a bit of a rest in the afternoon and the to Ra ft for a family dinner. Bit of tension as S, for whom they time had been adjusted as she's fasting, couldn't come, but all went well in the end. We spoke to #3 sun by video. Too much food though I did walk there and back with #2 sun. GG and PP are off to Beijing on Tuesday so this is the last time I'll see them, till next time. 

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