Channelling John Oliver

Woke early to a beautiful dawn with the moon and Venus and to an offer of roti canal for breakfast (yes), an annoying email re meeting arrangements and a v long diatribe from someone who did not understand the situation. Did some more packing. Won't have much time tomorrow. 

Amelia is 7 today so got breakfast in bed, timed for 8. I went over just after as WH was leaving for Deen's so it was nearly 9 before I ate.

The next item on a packed day was Kidzania in the Curve, a weird place where kids pretend to 'work' in named businesses for pretend money. The really popular ones, Air Asia flight simulator, the bombs, get booked up. There is one in Westfield Shopping Centre. 

Then back through the tunnel to 163 for lunch. Mei Mei chose Fat Fish, though she has Mac 'n cheese. Japanese inspired and I don't really like. Had v oily tasting salmon fried rice.

It was a lovely, hot sunny day outside but next was Velvet Cinema for Kung Fu Panda 4. Unlike last time it was Baltic, back to normal Malaysian level movie theatre AC. We were on the loungers in the front row, but so cold.

There was a hiatus at home (I nipped to Jaya for Benting ginger etc) before dinner with Ben's parents. Most of the food was wasted (there had been snacks in the cinema) as they are off to China v early tomorrow. Only then, nearly 8 did Mei Mei get to open the rest of her presents. She got a phone watch earlier. There was a zoom link with Eryi for this and the cake. She was on the Tube. 

The cake was lovely, v light and full of mango. The writing was in Chinese but for some reason I didn't understand the middle character of Mei Mei's name has been changed from the one she learned last week.

We left about 9. I was so tired but I still managed 20 minutes in the pool to cool down and stretch out. Ended with The News Quiz and yesterday's Newscast. 

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