A Chavo Day

It's got to be a picture of himself today. I had to do the annual ( not enjoyed )trip to the vets for re-vac, weighing and comb through. I'd booked it with the usual practice, with one of the woman vets. But the best plans ect--- both woman were off sick, so we were with the boss , who I try to avoid. He talks at me!!. Very annoying. Chavo's coat is a nightmare; lots of layers that felt into solid mat's. I brush him daily, but he won't let me near the vital bits : belly & tail--- who can blame him. so folks beware Maine Coons with this sort of coat!.
I've been trying to feed him less cos he's geting too heavy , but, blimey he's now 9.75kg, far too heavy. So he & I are in for a tough time, as I diet him, as I surely will.
Please admire the pristine fur!!!.

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