campervan man

By campervan

Chickens new home

We have been building this over the last few days. We would have finished sooner but we had a supper party on Friday, shopping for party on Thursday and then out for a lunch yesterday, such a whorl of a social life we lead.
Anyway today was just the final bits to be done. This included bending every cut strand of wire in to make them safe, my fingers took a battering. Finally the roof was covered and all I had to do was transfer the hens to the new home. Chickens might not have big IQ's but they learn quickly. I moved the first couple easily, the remaining four then kept very clear when I tried to catch them. Two were tricked by throwing them corn but the final pair put up a strong resistance to being moved. I am glad I was not being filmed as I attempted to capture the little darlings.
Finally all caught, relocated and I can confirm they are now happy hens.
The new home complied with the Avian Flu rules and means, with the birds moved out, I can now have my greenhouse back. Currently its more of a disaster area then a growing area but that can be sorted. Important thing is we now have 6 happy hens and they have a happy guardian

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