campervan man

By campervan

I never learn from experience

Another gardening day but much colder that the previous few.
Whilst my vegetable growing area was under occupation by the poultry army I had to make plans to grow elsewhere. Now they have been evicted these plans were unnecessary but that did not stop me carrying on with them.
The only part of the garden that could stand in for the veg area is behind the chicken run. This had not been touched much since we moved in as it was permanently shaded by the very tall back hedge. This hedge was cut back a couple of years ago and the plot could become more viable for growing things.
When we moved in 13 years ago this area was covered with old bits of car, bumpers, tyres, engine bits and other assorted rubbish. Jim, the previous owner, moved an old rusty VW beetle just before he left that had been stored in this corner. In a fit of enthusiasm I moved most of this stuff soon after we moved in but nothing, apart from dumping my rubbish, has been done for a dozen years. It is this plot that I decided to plant potatoes.
I know the soil there is good because I have been told that stinging nettles only grow in good soil and they were growing in profusion. Every fork full had roots in it and quite often the crown of a large nettle whose thick roots spread in all directions. In between the nettles were bricks and paving stones, small sheets of metal, wooden planks, mostly rotten and more interesting weeds. 
All in all a lot of effort went in to clear a small area that now I don't really need to use. I will plant potatoes there and this bed could possibly be included in the crop rotation in years to come. Maybe when I am harvesting a bumper crop of something in the future I will recall todays efforts and think they were worth while

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