Will it Fit?
What was once one of my favorite Sunday morning pursuits, reading the
Sunday paper, has suddenly become less attractive. The onslaught on government programs continues....even the counterproductive, the cruel, the utterly nonsensical, and the petty. A good example of the last was this: a Department of Fish and Game project to dredge part of a river to make way for salmon was halted because someone on the crew's surname was Gay!
We changed to Daylight Savings Time today which always takes a bit of adjustment. It doesn't seem that a single hour's change should make that much difference but it seems to. Having given up on the paper, we set out to take Spike on a nice long walk. We did make it to the pond, but today it was almost completely covered with a reddish brown plant which is beginning to grow long, slimy roots underneath the water. Since we had just given him a bath, well, a shower as it turns out*, we decided to keep him out of the pond today. One more body of water that is off limits to him because of something growing in it! We carried on up the hill but were seduced by a nicely placed bench, sat on it for awhile, then decided to go back, then we sat awhile longer...A plan to stop by the French bakery on the way home was abandoned when we realized that it was already lunchtime.
The four year knitting project is nearing completion, and once again I'm winging it because I lost the pattern for the original design. I'm still not sure if I have enough of the color I want to use to finish it...it might have very short sleeves, but the white seems to have survived Spike's attack.
mistaking it for his ball.
A trip to the grocery store rounded out the afternoon and now it is wine time and we still have an hour's daylight left....There has been congressional approval to ditch the twice a year time change and stay permanently on one or the other, but therein lies the problem. Nobody can agree on whether they want more light in the morning, or longer days in the evening. I know which way my vote would go....
*We were going to take him to the doggy spa for a bath and a haircut, but when I called, Mercury, who runs the place pretty much singlehanded left a message that he was literally singlehanded and that service would be limited until 'I get my arm out of this sling'.
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