Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Georgina Steytler

Mauzee and I caught up with our buddy Georgina Steytler today and we also had the delightful company of her parents George and Lorraine.  We had a late lunch at The Colour Patch in Augusta.  They were all still recovering from the trauma of being in the front line of the recent fire in Donnybrook.  The fire had started in their neighbours property and they were only saved because the wind took the fire in the opposite direction to their quite famous Orchard.  Parkey’s Orchard is well known in the district and it would have been a tragedy if after decades of fruit production, for the property to be destroyed in a fire.

Georgina, Mauzee and I have a wonderful friendship and we have now had several catch ups since we first met her in Albany on our first trip to Western Australia together.  She is a force of nature and a brilliant photographer.  Her recently published books, For the Love of Birds and For the Love of Flora  for Australian Geographic are an incredible example of her creative genius.  I urge you to go to the link above.
We had to get our traditional image of the three of us of course :)

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