Got Any Dog Books?
This Little Free Lending Library has been a welcome 'fixture' in our neighborhood for many years. Our neighbors whose yard it's in have recently 'redesigned' it. They made it a bit larger and more protected from the elements. Upon closer inspection, I realized that they fancied up a used portable refrigerator which now holds more donated books and keeps them much drier than the previous one (although I really loved the old one for its artistic qualities). For those of you who aren't familiar with the Free Lending Library concept; anyone can peruse the 'collection' and borrow books that catch their eye. When they return those books, they might consider donating a book or two of their own to the collection. You never know what you might find in the 'Library'! And that's how it works...simply wonderful! Fletcher and I appreciate and love our neighborhood's Lending Library. ❤️
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