Every time the jedi sees this man along the cycle path he shouts " why is he driving his Zamboni on the path, it's for ice ".
He cracks me up with what he comes out with. I did tell him I might see a ice one when I went ice skating.
The students had a brilliant time. That was their last session. The rink made them all certificates.
It was a good day at work. We were a few staff down but it evened itself out as we have some students off too. So many bugs going round. I just hope my wildlings stay clear of everything as the new policies at work means it's not good to have time off. Not sure why we're getting them as 90% of people wouldn't want to do our job and it's minimum wage. I could walk into a council nursery job ( that's what I did for 17 years) for triple the price and I wouldn't get war wounds. So I'm not sure why these policies are coming out .
My big wildlings have had a good day. They have some chores to do before dinner .
Im going for a run later as I need to up my days out for my half.
Well done to blipper pandieB who did her half marathon yesterday. A amazing woman .
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