
By MumOf4Wildlings


The poor Jedi this morning was so upset and I don't know why. But 27 outfit changes later and a sensory massage he was fine. This is only one drawer of outfits. 

There is definitely a full moon coming as work has had a few challenges today. I feel that there is a lull in most of the staff emotions. I did get the best hugs ever from one of my students today. They were poorly and love to be cradled like a baby. And they always come to me. 

I'm sitting in the park at the moment watching the two wee wildlings play. They both came out of MA with medals tonight.  

I managed my run last night but t was crap. I should have given myself a extra day off after Saturday.  But you live and learn. 

Sorry I've only caught up with half of blip today 

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