Hazy Yellow
The day was sunnier and warmer than I’d anticipated. We walked Merlin in the meadow then stopped at the bakery on our way home. After a drink and snack we drove to the allotment so Andy could hammer in some wooden posts to create a supporting structure around the two beds of raspberries- one bed contains summer fruiting varieties and the other autumn fruiting varieties.
After lunch I returned to the allotment and put wires between the posts so that I can tie in the raspberry canes as they grow. They already have tiny buds showing. I also split the comfrey and planted a piece of it to grow by each of the three composting areas on my plot. Later in the year I’ll cut some of the leaves and put them into the compost and also make a comfrey plant feed. Finally I mulched around the currant bushes and fruit trees.
As I worked the air became misty and obscured the sun so it cast a hazy yellow light. I imagine it is a sign of the weather changing and the warm sunny days we’ve been enjoying becoming cooler and cloudier as the wind now comes in from the north.
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