Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just Another 'Dee

A perfectly glorious, springlike day today!  I ended up spending about 3 hours outside pottering around the garden, looking for signs of life.  I was hoping I'd find an insect to photograph but the only one I saw was gone before I could photograph her - a queen Northern Paper Wasp who came and landed briefly on my finger, as if to say hello.  Some people would be very unsettled terrified to have a wasp land on their hand, but I know she meant me no harm and I believe she knew the same of me.  

Jax was also thrilled to be outside and followed me around the yard in between naps in the sun.  

I had lunch with a friend today - we were supposed to have lunch about a week ago but had to reschedule at the last minute.  It was, as always, great to catch up.

Tomorrow I'm headed out to a local trail in the morning to meet up with another friend.  It is going to be another beautiful day with springlike temps.  I know winter is not truly over, but I am sure glad to have this bit of warm weather right now.  Hopefully it will be sufficient to push my little irises into bloom.  


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