Scrap Journal progress
I finished binding the journal pages I shared 2 days ago, so now all 4 signatures of pages are bound together. I used a pamphlet stitch to accomplish this. I hadn't done any book binding for about a year, so I had to look at the instructions again! After I stitched the first signature it all came back to me.
The main photo shows the stitching on the inside of one of the signatures. The first extra shows the back of the stitching and the second extra shows the view from the top.
This journal is not done yet, though! There is an outer cover of thicker paper that will cover the back of those stitches and enclose the signatures. The instructor also gave us instructions on how to make a removable fabric cover that will slide on over the outer cover... I'd like to make that so stay tuned, there will be one more blip about this journal. ;o)
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