
By LadyFindhorn

I suppose against my better judgement, I went down to the sea this morning. It was indeed much calmer than yesterday when no one I know ventured in, but it was still very wavy and the waves packed a punch if you got in their way and that seemed unavoidable. We five jumped, we hollered and we braced against their impact. It was cold but not particularly windy and I’m glad I went- job done! 
As I waited for the bus on my seaward journey, the rising sun bathed the Scott Monument and the Castle in sunshine.

When I got back home my guests were temporarily out inspecting the flat they have bought for the twins to inhabit while studying at the Uni. It’s not far away from me and is in a really lovely, sunny position.
Once they returned we went over to Söderberg for coffee and buns before they headed off into town to buy birthday presents for the twins birthday on Thursday.

My chicken meal last night was deemed a success thanks to daughter #2’ s recipe for people lacking in culinary talent. Alasdair produced an orange and almond cake for dessert and we all drank too much wine considering it was the start of the week rather than the weekend.

The sun is out, the virtual log fire crackles on the wall and the surveyor for the balconists tells me the scaffolding will be down next week - the same man who told me at the end of last year it would be down in a fortnight. Faith is a gift I do not have but hope springs eternal……

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