A Day Away
My Elgin family left this morning but not until after we had coffee and celebratory buns at Söderberg.
Happily before I had time to bemoan the emptiness of the house, I was whisked down to Stobo for lunch by daughter#2. What was the great occasion I hear you ask? Well for the second year running this daughter has been invited to lecture in China during the week in October which includes the daughters’ away stay at Stobo and so she was dragooned on her day off to run me there so see if I could change the booking. It has been changed to December and now I am waiting on tenterhooks for one of the other daughters to say they can’t make it and we’ll be back at square one.
We had a very tasty lunch and afterwards a relaxing hour on the comfy chairs in the atrium, not forgetting a visit to the ladies’ rest room with the warmed toilet seats and control pads on the wall to offer various comforting extras.
We drove home via the Moorfoots and Eddleston to avoid the long traffic tail back at the road works in Peebles. We had a hail shower and general mistiness en route but the sun was shining again by the time we reached Edinburgh. A grand day out, I would say!
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