Mum had had a little mishap before I arrived this morning so that was my first job. Washing machine doing it's thing. I gave Mum her breakfast, Indie gave Mum a gentle reminder with a paw on her thigh. A corner of buttered, & marmalade topped toast first then she was good to go. We did a lap of the heath, came across some pieces of bone from the deer spine, the carcass I came across awhile back. Plenty of tadpoles, as you will see in the extra. We disturbed a Yellowhammer foraging on the ground, it flew up into an oak tree, making it difficult to see, but the vibrant yellow plumage stood out in amongst the branches. The heath still has a smoky whiff from the swaling.
Back to Mum's, she was busy colouring in. I pegged out the bedding on the line. Found her TV glasses.. Her new hairbrush was in her spectacles case. What is it with the hairbrush?? :-) I remade the bed, brought the refuse bins back in, fed the birds, then it was time to make Mum's lunch.
I had to send my apologies to Jeanette. It was her Mum's funeral today. I really wanted to pay my respects but the service was in Brixham, & I needed to visit J who is in the hospital in Exeter.
I drive to Exeter, visiting anytime in the Acute Medical Unit, J was a bit teary when I arrived, not feeling very comfortable, but in the right place. He was being moved to a bed in the respiratory ward later. Intrevenous antibiotics for the chest infection, plus nebuliser. A hospital chemist came to check J's meds list. Good job I was there as he does'nt know what he takes.. He was going to prescribe a different inhaler to see if it improved J's breathing. I left at 4pm. I hate the dual carriageway at Splatford Split, the amount of traffic is crazy. You're forced to drive faster than is comfortable to execute the move across the lanes where the A38 splits & the A380 begins. I drive back to Mum's, got the washing in, made her a snack then got her settled to watch Pointless.
Back home, a bunch of tulips on the doorstep greeted me. A thank you from Shirley.
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