
By fitzbilly

Stay Focused ... Don't Be Negative

I've spent far too much time today sorting out images for the annual camera club competition. I also had to come up with a new way of reusing my mounts, which in the end involved carefully cutting a window out in the back board. And don't ask how many times I printed my mono entry.

I was struggling for an idea for Tiny Tuesday, mineral. My first idea failed, as I seemed to have lost my marbles. All I found were some spherical dice, plastic so no good. Then I saw other blippers had done pencils. Of course! I even had some photography themed ones.

The camera club water photography evening was fun. There were some very sophisticated flash set ups for splash tank and droplet shots. I only had a quick go myself but managed a couple of half decent captures. The best one is attached as an extra. I need to get a flash unit.

In other news mrsfb went to Keep Fit this morning, the first time since she had her mishap on the stairs.

One year ago:
It's Not Harry's, It's Mine

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