
By TheOttawacker

Steps outside; quick retreat back inside again

The morning was given over to the plumber, who came and fixed our shower with a minimum of fuss. Now, we can shower upstairs and not have to climb down to the basement to get clean. It has snowed again. Does it ever do anything else?
By the time we had all showered upstairs, the afternoon was beckoning. Having all of us been locked in the house for a week, we decided to go outside and head for the airport, where the prospect of planes might cheer up Ottawacker Jr. It didn’t. I decided to leave them at the airport fence and go into T&T to get some dinner. This, I managed to do. Then we drove home again. We sat, ate, moved to the television room, and sat mournfully looking at each other. Enough of this, said Mrs. Ottawacker. So, we went downstairs and rooted through the DVD library, settling on an aged boxed set of Pie in the Sky. I have no idea when I got this or why I have it. But it did the trick.
I avoided the news all day and feel (a) uniformed and (b) unstressed.

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