Stepping out
I had a strong feeling that today was a good day to reach out to Marion. I was happy with the image generated my my phones AI that i sent her. Its so clever. She is such a lovely, strong woman and i am reminded again of the pleasure i have taken from her company since our reconnection. She has had a tough few days. Hoping we spend some time together soon.
When I was visiting Pa at the weekend he insisted that I hadn't left my emptied hanging baskets there in readiness for a refill. We looked in all the obvious places and couldn't find them and he said he spent a long time looking, earlier in the week, when I'd said that i had.
I ordered replacements to be delivered to him today. He found the old ones which had been filled with compost and put of the many dustbins he keeps around.
I joined a MHFA webinar for 'my whole self day' and spent a little time reflecting on my own identity. I am reminded if an art journal page i created although I haven't touched my art journals for several years.
We walked during my lunch break. MrRIU is spending less and less time amongst other people. It's a worry but one that I can't take on board.
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