
By edisteve

Glasgow busyness

I was keeeping busy in Glasgow today. 

It started off with taking Ant the cat to the vet in Clarkston, where he got a good report (thyroid see to being treated well and he’s put on weight).

Following on, it was over to Gartnavel hospital in the north of the city, where after eventually getting a parking space, while Tim went to see Liz, while I popped into the neighbouring Beatson hospital to see my friend (and work colleague), Deb, who is currently an inpatient while she gets more chemotherapy for her cancer, which she has been bravely fighting for a couple of years. We had a good natter with some of her other friends who were visiting too.

The Beatson Hospital which was opened in 2008 was very tranquil, and I thoroughly agree with the description of the hospital on their website:

The Beatson is designed to create a calm, relaxing and therapeutic environment for patients, to help improve their wellbeing and enhance their recuperation. It is one of the most innovative and modern cancer care centres in the world’

After that I popped next door to the General Hospital to see Liz, where we had a fine time eating jelly babies! 

After dropping Tim off home, then headed back east. 170 miles later and I’m now chilling with a cuppa and House of Games. 

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