Cherry plum blossom
I passed this cherry plum blossom on a neighbour’s tree as I walked down to the Broadway to post a birthday card this afternoon. It’s been a chilly day with intermittent light showers so Smithers has kept in the warm.
I was alerted to the fact that my wildlife camera had detected motion this evening and, when I checked on my iPad, I saw another bout of hedgehog bullying. Just as happened once before, a hedgie arrived at the restaurant but sat curled up and motionless, clearly listening for something. Then, a few seconds later, another hedgehog appeared. I recognise this one, it has grey streaks on its back, so perhaps it’s an older one. It is certainly a more aggressive one, because it made a beeline for the other hedgie and pushed him/her violently out of the way. Then ensued a fight, going round in circles, before the bully made his way into the restaurant, leaving the other one to sit motionless again for a while, before making off in the opposite direction, presumably still hungry.
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