The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Another hare ..

My life is a blur! I sit here each day thinking what to put in my journal .. and my mind is a blank - mainly because I do very little - and what I *do* do, doesn't really differ from day to day!

I bet you can guess where I went this afternoon? Yes - Sunk Island .. where at least I bumped into (not literally, thankfully) Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Helen and we had a bit of a chat. I may have a chance to go out with her on a water vole survey one of these days :)

My professional photographer friend came along this evening with another pro photographer friend and they are papping the foxes as I type .. I was out there earlier feeding the foxes for them. The foxes hang around as long as I'm out there, but since coming in I fear the foxes have disappeared ..

Mum got out of bed and dressed one hour after going to bed ..

I fear I may go mad ..

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