An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Lucky me...

It's a bit like Groundhog Day at the moment and I suspect it's going to be that way for a few weeks yet :-)

Seen by a very nice nurse at the wound clinic.  She's put a seaweed based dressing on the tiny bit of my wound that's leaking covered by a waterproof dressing.  She wants me to keep it on for as long as I can but has given me a couple of dressings (but no seaweed stuff) incase it comes off in the shower.  She will check it again on Monday.

Back home and a tuna mayo with red onion wrap for lunch.  D was playing golf locally so missed lunch.  That's how addicted dedicated he is to the game :-)

Some more time spent in the studio working on more card designs.  N, our trusty garden maintenance man was here with this two colleagues and they have built a lovely fence where our neighbour's tree destroyed the hedge between us and our neighbour behind.  We discovered Lola could now escape the garden so N was keen (as were we) to get the fence up to make the garden secure again.  Not sure Lola is impressed.

I then spent some time in the sunny garden room (the weather forecast was for rain and wind but we had lovely sunshine) crocheting the heart pram blanket for my friend M's granddaughter due in the summer.  The merino wool is an absolute joy to use.  

Felt quite tired around 5pm but felt I needed to move and get some fresh air rather than a snooze, so I did and immediately felt better and more alert.

Alan had a swim and was full of the joys in the pool.  The sound of him laughing and shouting with joy never fails to make me smile.  

After dinner D and Alan's support worker J spent some time looking at holiday accommodation for Alan.  J has identified a number of places and it's looking likely Alan could be heading to Somerset in May and Lancashire October, with another holiday possibly shoehorned in, in June!  Once J has checked the availability of the team, bookings can hopefully be made.

Severely lacking in blip opportunities (or maybe lacking in motivation is closer to the truth) so have blipped the lovely gift Keith and Mairi gave me yesterday....delicious cheese, biscuits for cheese and caramelised onion chutney.  A lunch in the making with some grapes, celery and apple to be added.  The man from Tesco will deliver those in the morning :-)))

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