Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: Private Gardens

It was back up to the Royal Marsden today for another appointment for K.  She had to have a PET scan which meant she wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything, other than water, from early morning onwards.  As the appointment was mid-afternoon she was absolutely starving afterwards.  Luckily I managed to procure an egg mayonnaise sandwich from the cafe.  Best of all it was free as they were just about to close.   

K had to have an injection first and then rest for an hour to allow for everything to do its thing (as you can tell, my medical knowledge is superior).   I used some of that time to go for a walk as I wasn’t able to stay with her.  Chelsea has way more blip opportunities than Sutton, where we previously had to go for her appointments, such as this private garden estate.  

On the way home we tried a new Greek restaurant close to us which recently opened.  It wasn’t bad but I’ll be surprised if it lasts.  The food was good but the ambience was a little sterile and it’s not in the best location for a restaurant.

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