Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Who needs radar . . . .

. . . . when you have a tame gull?
A lovely sky in the east this morning, promising a good day. As I hadn’t been for a walk yesterday I decided to go down to the town to buy papers and other odds and ends.  I also had to deliver a monkey puzzle cone to a local lady who works in an office down on the pier, as one does!
This started when I posted on Facebook that I had spare monkey puzzle seedlings. One lady asked if they came from a certain tree in a local garden and when I confirmed this, she told me that the trees had been planted by her great-grandfather. I told her that before the trees were felled last year I got hold of several cones, all except one of which had fallen apart and I asked if she would like the remaining intact one. I think it was less ripe than the others and not ready to collapse. She said she would, so I carefully wrapped it and put it in my backpack, but when I took it out in her office it too had come to grief!  So annoying, but she took it anyway - the last fragment of her great-grandfather’s tree.
I came back along the ferry pier where local fishing boats tie up, and saw this gull sitting on the radar unit (I think) of one of the boats, so this is my Blip today. Then the usual - and worsening - slog uphill on the way home.  I met two of my local cats and was able to give both a few crunchies which I keep in my pocket. My extras today.
Quote of the day: ‘Now I'm livin' out here on the beach, but those seagulls are still out of reach.’ - Neil Young.

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