Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

The good people of tomorrow

A gloriously sunny day after a light frost. After the usual email catching up I drove up to Poppies Garden Centre to buy a new spray nozzle for the hose. In the old days I would have gone to Cakebread’s Garden Centre, or maybe Homebase, but now that they’ve both gone Poppies is the last option, a mile or so out of town. The garden centre is on the south shore of Loch Etive, where it  comes out into the sea, and by walking to the end of the car park and a little further a good view of Ben Cruachan can be had - my Blip today.  At 1,126m, Cruachan is the highest mountain in Argyll.
I’d arranged to visit Park Primary School on the Dunollie estate, at the north edge of Oban, to meet one of the teachers and the school eco-group. My extra today. I arrived at 12.15 and was signed in and met half a dozen youngsters who have planned to carry out a litter pick at the beginning of April and want to borrow litter pickers and gloves from Keep Oban Beautiful. I was taken out to where it would be carried out and had a nice chat with the kids. They’re also raising money from bric-a-brac sales to adopt a mountain gorilla. Great to see such enthusiasm, but rather sad to see that most of the litter they’ll be collecting has been dropped by their schoolmates!
After lunch I went down to the Corran Halls to weed the small flower bed that KOB had planted up a few months ago. Came back to sit in the sun for a while with a book lent to me by a neighbour,  ‘London and the Famous’, the story of 50 famous people who had houses in London over the centuries.
Quote of the Day: ‘The only thing that is truly Londonish about London is that it's all bits and pieces of everybody else. - Craig Taylor.

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