I had a German lesson this morning, then we loaded the car and set off for London around midday.
It takes a few hours to get there from Cumbria, but it was nice weather for driving and I always enjoy car journeys with the Minx. Plus she'd made us curry parcels using last night's leftovers and the rotis, which were delicious.
As soon as we arrived at the hotel, I went out for a run, the first time since the long one with Milly on Tuesday. It was just over four and a half miles, and my legs felt fine. It was good to be out after the afternoon in the car.
The last road on the run is Donald Woods Gardens, named for the heroic journalist whose fearless writing and escape from South Africa is told brilliantly in the film 'Cry Freedom'.
No doubt naming a road after such a hero would be decried as woke in the current climate. I'm all for it!
And once I'd showered, we went up to Mum's. Izzy had arrived from Kyiv, yesterday afternoon, and it was a joy to see her, She was keen for a curry, so the Minx, Wol, and I took her up to Meghan's :-)
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