Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

200 Today

The 200th photo is a simple variation on 100 days ago . . . the dividend on my investment here just keeps getting more valuable!

The main thought I want to convey at this trail-marker is Thank YOU.

Thank YOU Joe! For this genius idea and photo-blog site, but mostly that you are so generous as to share it with the general public. You are amazing (and my hero)!

Thank YOU Blip Central for answering my occasional lame questions and for keeping this site functioning and for the terrific upgrades you have provided.

Thank YOU to all blippers. I thoroughly enjoy looking at your photo pages and reading your interesting words and wonderful stories. I especially love your "about" pages. I look at them often because I like to see and remember who you are (so please, if your photo is not there, add one now). I also enjoy the self-portraits that lots of you occasionally post.

I visualize the "thumbnail" page on a track that slowly rotates once a day around this place we call earth and as I stand here on my piece of geography I get a window view into each of your lives. I am in awe of how some of you can write an entire novel in one phrase. I equally enjoy the blippers who dig deeper than most of us are willing to do publicly . . . working at a thought, feeling, or emotion until meaning has been found, or exhaustion. I'll be eternally grateful for the laughter that many of you have caused by the fun you have photographed and expressed.

The award winning photography I view here should be in galleries around the world; that I am allowed to share my point and shoot "cheapie" camera shots is amazing -- I am getting to mingle with the experts.

Thank YOU for allowing me to share my "long" messages. To borrow a phrase from ~~attentiveness~~ I am definitely more "deep-dish" than "bare-bones." Your comments have always been encouraging and meaningful . . . in great moments like our anniversary celebration and in tearful moments when Tristan and his mom moved hundreds of miles away.

I don't think the second 100 days passed any faster or slower than the first 100. I have enjoyed this addiction, I mean, daily discipline very much. As I scrolled through my last 100 pages yesterday, again I realized the importance of every day and the number of immensely significant moments and emotions that have been captured for my family in Rosie & Mr. Fun's Blipfoto journal.

I have learned for certain during these second 100 days that I loathe doing backblips. I never even mentioned when I had completed the Family Camp backblips from June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. I do appreciate that we are allowed to do backblips. Staying close to the Internet is not always possible (at least for me).

I am a blipper (addicted blipper) because I want to remember each day and that goal is being accomplished. Two hundred days have now been saved and savored and I have a tid-bit from each that I can go back to retaste. I am not a photographer, so the daily photo is the price I pay to get to write. More than ever, today I realize the value of my investment. Today the dividend is immense -- and I've only just begun!

Memories are the very best souvenirs!

Thank YOU!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

All my blips are favorites, so here are some of my MOST favorite in the second 100:

Almost always yesterday's is my favorite (unless I've had a crap day). I find most days are worth celebrating.

Our May 29th Anniversary and a few days previous to that

Our Bicycling History

Golden Gate Bridge from the Air after a fabulous weekend in the Pacific Northwest

My 100th Blip shows my favorites from that sequence.

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