A Blast from My Past
It felt like a blast from the past as I ventured into the Marchmont of my childhood this morning to collect my cholesterol busting statins at the chemist on Warrender Park Road and noticed not only the old bell pulls on an adjacent tenement but the reinstated signage above the old dairy shop now home to an architects office. The Buttercup Dairy was fully functional when I was a child and bell pulls were just asking to be pulled then before running away. It seems awful to me now that as a child we had no thought at all about our actions on any vulnerable tenants in the houses.
I had an unusually busy morning given that things should be winding down for a slothful weekend.There was another washing to be done and an ironing of sheets, not to mention the chopping up of the contents of the vegetable drawer in the fridge to make soup and the general up keep of the house. But it is Friday again and another TGIF drinks get together is looming large in my calendar this afternoon.
The sun is out fit to burst but the wind is giving the warmth a run for its money- feeling like 2°. I might poke my nose out onto the patio to savour the sunshine being careful not to bash my head of the low struts of scaffolding. Where to store scaffolding when not in use but in front of the Dower House? I am beyond being annoyed……..
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