On looking out of the bedroom window this morning, I was surprised to see that we had had quite a heavy frost, so after having my shower - before 8 o’clock - and still in my pink robe - I decided to go out into the garden to find some “frosted” flowers - and they didn’t disappoint so this is my contribution to Flower Friday.
I was particularly pleased to find that our Hellebore “Ice ’n Roses Red” that we thought we’d lost was in fact, just droopy - I know the feeling - so I managed to pull it back up - if only it were that easy to do the same myself - and the middle shot shows how beautiful it is. It’s amazing how resilient Spring flowers are though, because having just been out there again just before midday - and having been in the sun for a few hours, all the plants are looking good. Maybe I need more sunshine to help me feel better - because we all seem to “function better” when we have had several days of sunshine, don’t we?
I was due to meet a friend for coffee this morning, but she is poorly, so Mr. HCB said he would join me instead. We went early because he was due to see the nurse again at 12.30 and thankfully, he has now been signed off and doesn’t need to go and see her again. We just need to pray that the scar will continue to heal well and he needs to start wearing his hat again in all winds and weathers.
I then went into town as I had one to two things to sort out. The mobile phone contract was easily done and it was good to see the same lady I saw two years ago - who remembered me, because I gave her a heart then and I gave her another one today! I was also hoping to buy some new earrings, but saw nothing I liked, so saved my money. Sadly, our town centre, like many up and down the country, is suffering from lower footfall and looks rather bare and empty - with a proliferation of coffee shops and mobile phone shops - and lots of “sweary” people - so not sure I will be going back anytime soon. However, at least the sun was shining when I was wandering round, although the sky has darkened and it’s now getting quite cold once again, so we may have another hard frost tonight.
I decided to catch the bus home as I haven’t been on a bus for ages - only to see mine leaving the bus station when I had about 50 yards to go! But they are every 10 minutes, so I didn’t have to wait long. Mr. HCB came to the bus stop to meet me, although I didn’t have much shopping - a bag of bananas and a pot of yoghourt. I had asked the lady in Iceland if she could let me have a polythene bag just in case the yoghourt leaked and I was so glad she did, because whilst I was in the mobile phone shop, my large shopping bag slipped off the chair and only when I got home did I realise that the pot had split! What a mess, but all contained in the polythene bag so I managed to salvage most of it, so all was not lost.
Mr. HCB has now gone to our local Morrisons to collect two very large trolley loads of groceries - he insisted on going on his own and has left me getting warm, having a welcome cup of coffee and a late lunch - he is such a treasure! Hope you have a great weekend. M xx
P.S. The extra shows our rhubarb, which is coming on a treat - so I feel a rhubarb crumble coming on in a few weeks’ time. Mr. HCB told me he had put two large bags of manure on the rhubarb earlier in the year, and it has obviously done a lot of good - but we still prefer custard on our crumble! ;-)
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