Mickey mouse
This was the jedis outfit of choice today. His interpretation of mickey mouse. The video that went along to this would make anyone smile. It's so funny as he is just a small version of one of my students. Who absolutely love mickey . They both say the same things and do the same dance. My work colleagues find it hilarious.
The morning at work went well today. I got to go to the gym with one of my students.
And then near lunchtime. All hell broke loose. One of the secondary students next door to us set the fire alarm off and everyone had to be evacuated. Now for normal children this can cause issues. So just imagine how it went for us. We had students in the swimming pool and students getting personal care too. My guy was that freaked out he refused to leave the building. 20 minutes everyone was outside for and it just threw everything up in the air. So many students in distress. Not a good thing for them for sure.
Anyway it's Friday. So a weekend to spend with Mr R and the wildlings. We're having movie night tonight. Although last week was funny. It took from Friday right till Sunday night to watch a movie as I kept sleeping.
I'm going on my 1st solo big run tomorrow so that will be a experience.
Last night went very well. I actually ran up some decent size hills without stopping. We will go out again. And I managed to talk while running.
Catch you when I can.
Have a lovely weekend. X
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