
By MumOf4Wildlings


I planned my running route last night and had to stick to it as I gave Mr R instructions to call me if I wasn't back by a certain time and he knew which way I would be going.  I'm actually proud of running nearly 13km by myself.  I did stop off with the swans for a stretch of my back. I forgot to pack my pills. 

A quick change when I got home and then took all 4 wildlings to the hairdressers.  The jedi helped sweep up. 

A visit to my in-laws.  I grabbed a shot of her very neat medicine cupboard while I took a pill. It looks like a pharmacy.  

We have been working in the garden since we came home and I've just came back inside.  The wildlings are going to have a late dinner as I want to go and look at some running leggings.  Shorter one's as I only have long ones. 

I'm having  a treat of a greek takeout tonight.  I can't wait. 

Needless to say the movie barely got started last night as I started napping.  Tonight will probably be the same lol. 

Thinking of a couple of special blipper friends today. All strong women and people to be admired. 

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