Eating out
The excitement of this morning was the arrival, finally, of the new microwave. Shame I ain't have an opportunity to use it as it's a 3-1, micro, grill and convection, even did air frying.
Water Ian left I did dinner more looking at packing. I be will definitely need the small wheelie wheelie as carry on.
It was the overcast outside and hot inside. I read my book and then went down to Muska, the Indian for lunch. For some reason they have a TV outside that shows BBC News, soundless..
After lunch quick visit to Jaya and then over to HK. Spent most of the time being updated by #1 soon about visits to International Schools. They are definitely taking the girls out of Chinese school in July but he's talking about a private teacher as they may not get placed in International school till January.
When the sun eventually came out we went to the pool except Olivia who was doing homework. And then it read, big rain, so back upstairs.
The girls were coming to mine so we went to B-Lab for affa fine pizza. Another thunderstorm and we got soaked on the way back even with the umbrella. They had ice cream when we got back up and then a bath and then we watched a Horrible Histories film about Shakespeare on i-Player as my Netflix is playing up.
No blood moon here as the partial eclipse happened during the day.
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